
    the small team here at wxy. has spent the last fifteen years working with many high street retailers to develop and market candle and home fragrance ranges. in this time, we’ve seen the good and the not so good and it has made us determined to create a cleaner, better and fairer product.
    wxy 天然香錐 驅蚊蟲
    wxy 天然香錐 驅蚊蟲
    wxy. Incense Cones - Santal - Terracotta
    wxy Studio2 手工香薰蠟燭 大黃及茴香
    wxy Studio2 手工香薰蠟燭 大黃及茴香
    wxy Studio2 Candle -Rhubarb + Anise 170g170g
    wxy pitch 經典黑擴香 血橙及檀香木
    wxy pitch 經典黑擴香 血橙及檀香木
    wxy. Pitch Diffuser - Blood Orange & Santal Embers 100ml
    wxy Studio2 手工香薰蠟燭 鳶尾花及無花果
    wxy Studio2 手工香薰蠟燭 鳶尾花及無花果
    wxy.studio2 Candle - Orvis + Fig 170g
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