Chill Time
Hand-brewed coffee is an experience that requires patience and attention to detail, and it is a popular choice for those seeking high-quality coffee.
If you are also a coffee enthusiast, you must experience the joy of hand-brewed coffee. This basic set of hand drip coffee equipment includes various essential tools, such as a gooseneck kettle, a coffee pot, and a filter cup. With a iHYGGE gooseneck kettle, you can easily pour quickly, slowly, and in any exact spot you want. Water temperature also affects the quality of coffee, and a thermometer can be used to observe the temperature between 88-93 degrees Celsius.
Even with simple tools, you can simply make a cup of coffee at home! With the mood of "HYGGE," to enjoy a cup of homemade hand-brewed coffee. Love to sharing warm moments with someone besides you !